Thursday, December 4, 2008


Not by Fire but by Ice

THE NEXT ICE AGE - NOW! Here's my long-awaited
new book! Forget Darwin’s theory of slow,
stately, orderly evolution. In this
fast-paced, well-written book
you'll learn how geomagnetic
reversals trigger evolutionary
leaps; you'll learn that those
leaps recur according to a pre-
dictable, natural cycle, and
you'll learn that the next beat
of that cycle is due.

- Order your copy today
- See fantastic reviews

Underwater volcanoes
Growing glaciers
Sunspots & global Cooling
Ice-age map - U.S.
Ice-age map - World
Fun photos
Magnetic reversal due?
Magnetic reversal chart
Boiling water in Arctic Sea.
World sea ice: 25-year high
Little Ice Age now
California glaciers growing
Antarctic snowfall doubles
Beware the next ice age
Great videos
Pacemaker of the ice ages Plant Hardiness Zone Maps
Crane buried in ice sheet

Mont Blanc Glacier almost doubles in size

Yellowstone rising
at record rate

Global warming on other planets

Rising sea-level claim
a total fraud

Sea levels falling, not rising

Subglacial volcano
melting ice sheet

Alaskan glaciers advance
one--third mile

31,000 scientists dispute
global warming claims

Antarctica has been
cooling for 35 years

Alaskan Glaciers Growing
for first time in 250 years

Glaciers growing on Canada’s tallest mountain
UK Chill: 'Suddenly we seem to be facing a Siberian freeze'
4 Dec 08 - Arctic winds, snow and frosts have come in such a blast
this winter that the bookmakers report record numbers of bets on a
white Christmas so early in December.
See Suddenly we seem to be facing a Siberian freeze
Chicago To Cut Back On Plowing Snow On Side Streets
2 Dec 08 - Mayor Richard M. Daley said that city crews will cut back
on plowing side streets this winter in an effort to save money. Snow on
Monday cost $490,000 to clear. And more snow is on the way.
See Chicago To Cut Back On Plowing Snow On Side Streets
Obama Believes Global Warming Fairy Tale
Another great commentary by Philip V. Brennan
Listen carefully and you might hear Teapot Barry singing that
old ditty "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle,
here is my spout. When I get all steamed up, hear me shout . . .
" global warming is what it's all about.
See Obama Believes Global Warming Fairy Tale
Never half a feather
2 Dec 08 - Wow!!! My husband and I have read Not by fire,
but by Ice twice, and given it to numerous people. So we
couldn’t wait to read MagneticReversals and Evolutionary
Leaps. It’s great! I was especially interested in it, because I
have a Bachelor of Science degree with a major in Zoology,
from Sydney University, Australia.
See Never half a feather
Coldest in Scotland in 25 years - 1 Dec 08
Australia gets unseasonably good snow - 24 Nov 08
Cold weather continues south across Europe - 25 Nov 08
Monster Storm Over Eastern Europe - 22 Nov 08
See What's Happening in Other Parts of the World..

Snowiest start to winter on mountaintops of NC - 4 Dec 08
Alaska is Cold and Snowy - 2 Dec 08
Temperatures drop to 30 and 40 below zero
4 to 6 inches of snow in Illinois - Chicago braces for 8 more - 1 Dec 08
South Central Alaska – 9th snowiest November on record - 1 Dec 08
Coldest November in Charlotte in 32 years,
See Record Low Temperatures across the United States..

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